The Child Who Reigns

This is an adaption of part of our Christmas letter.

A couple of weeks ago I preached an Advent sermon on the encounter between Gabriel and Mary in Luke 1. I summarized it like this:

How can this be? – Mary
This is how it can be. – Gabriel
Let it be. – Mary

Mary doesn’t know how she will birth a child outside of the laws of human biology. 
Gabriel introduces the reality of a supernatural God. 
Mary accepts this new paradigm and becomes the Lord’s servant.

I accepted a pastoral position with a church in Ithaca New York and had hope to start there in September 2012. We have encountered a significant delay and now anticipate a move in February 2013. When we first heard of this delay, we were filled with questions.
Over time, the questions receded, replaced with assurance from God that He was still in control. 
This assurance in turn resulted in peace and contentment, as we accepted our roles as the Lord’s servants, ready to do his will – whether in Port Moody or Ithaca.

I  hope and pray that this Advent season will likewise bring about this same assurance that God is still in control.

Gabriel told Mary that her son will have a throne and will reign in an eternal kingdom.
He hasn’t abandoned his throne.
He still reigns. 
He is still in control. 



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