Ithaca Update

Well, I guess it's time to update you on what is happening with our move to the Empire State. Well, it is still happening, but we have experienced a significant delay in terms of our Visa application. In order to work in the States you need a Visa, if you are not a citizen. The Visa I am applying for is an R-1 Visa, or a religious workers visa. This allows the applicant to work in a religious institution provideing religious services.

Normally, these are quite straight forward, if someone is working within the same denomination. So, if you are a Baptist in Canada, you can quite easily move to a Baptist congregation in America, and so on.

One of the issues in my case is that the church I am going to is not part of a denomination, it is an independent inter-denominational church. So, both the church and I need to supply evidence that I am in fact part of the same "denomination". This has been done by supplying all the documents that show I am licensed and connected with a major denomination in Canada (the Mennonite Brethren). I also provide proof of my mdiv, and that I have been employed as a religious professional here in Canada. I'm not sure what prove the church in New York had to provide - maybe proof that they are in fact a legitimate Christian church.

We had anticipated moving in September 2012. But, the lawyer we are working with in New York informed us that we are most likely looking at approval in March or April 2013! Obviously this has been disappointing both for our family and Bethel Grove Church. But, its really out of our hands.

When we discovered the lengthy delay that lay before us, the church and I engaged in some conversations to see if we both felt it was worth the wait. Or perhaps we should end the process, freeing them to find someone who could start earlier, and freeing me to find a ministry opportunity with less complications. After prayer and conversation, we both felt that God had led the process thus far and therefore He is still involved, including in this time of waiting.

I continue to be in regular contact with Pastor Dave Jones and others in Ithaca. I hope to pop in again this fall - just so they remember what I look like! So, what this means for us is our family continues on in Port Moody: the kids at Aspenwood school, Felicia at Eagle Ridge Hospital and me as Mr. Mom, who gets the occasional opportunity to preach.

I have been the interim preaching pastor at Evangelical Chinese Bible Church in Burnaby this past summer. This has been a great opportunity. ECBC is a well known very large church in Metro Vancouver. The sermons on Ephesians have gone very well with many positive comments. I hope to get a similar interim position in the fall and winter.

So, the obvious question emerges when faced with set-back or disappointment: Why? Why would God press the pause button on a process that seemed to be moving so smoothly?
Why would God make us wait almost a full year after being accepted into a ministry position?

And the answer comes back usually the same: Don't know. No clue - Have no idea what's happening up there in heaven. This lack of understanding on my part causes me no stress or dis-ease. And that's because I know who is still calling the shots. God is still in control. He didn't temporarily abdicate the throne when this Visa debacle emerged. He knew all of that ahead of time, and allowed it to proceed as it did.

Proverbs says: In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord directs his steps.

Perhaps my steps would have moved us too quickly in a direction in which God wants us to slow down a bit on.

I'm also reminded of the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt - they were liberated, set free - but there was a significant delay before entering the Promised Land.

We're not worried. There is a ministry for us while we wait in this inebtween time.


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