Top Movies of 2011

Well - Here it is. I spent a lot of time at home this year with the kids, feeding them, etc. - But, I still had time for my favorite past time (besides reading) - going to the movies.

Here's my list:

1. Tree of Life - I have a funny story about this film. I went to see it in the theater... and walked out after 20 minutes. It had the typical Terence Malick artsy heavy handedness that make his films hard to endure. And then I was at a conference in Colorado, and the host of the conference was raving about it. Brian Doerksen (the famed worship leader) was also there. He and I started chatting, and he also raved about it. So... I thought I need to give it another chance. I am so glad I did! This is a stunning piece of work - easily one of the best films I've ever seen. You do need to have patience to stay until the end. It's a good idea to watch it with a group that you can discuss it with after.

2. The Muppets - This was the second best movie of the year because rarely have I seen a movie that had the ability to exhibit pure joy, like this one did. The musical numbers harkened back to the glory days of Disney's old musicals. I loved this movie.

3. Moneyball - Could there be a more boring premise for a film? A baseball manager uses some whiz kids' system for selecting baseball players - based on math! And yet - this was an intriguing film - well acted by Brad Pitt.

4. Drive - Warning - explicit scenes of violence in this film. Ryan Gosling is ubercool in this stylish film. Has moments of darkness - but put together quite well by Nicholas Refn.

5. X Men: First Class - Wow! This is the best of the 3 X-Men films. A prequel which charted the genesis of the characters. Very intense and exciting.

6. The Guard - Small film out of Ireland. Hilarious. Brendan Gleason is pitch perfect in the starring role. Don Cheadle does well in a smaller role. Great story and lots of laughs.

7. 50/50 - Manages to do what cancer films rarely do - be serious and sad, but not fall over the edge into sappy. Extra bonus - shot in Vancouver!

8. Bridesmaids - I was nervous about this film. Nervous that it would be dipping the sewer in gross humour. It actually emerges as a pretty good relationship film with lots of funny parts.

9. Rango - An animated film, but I don't think kids will get many of the references. There is one scene that is easily one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen. I watched it like 5 times, and howled each time.

10. Midnight in Paris - It sure is nice to put a Woody Allen film on this list. The 00's haven't been kind to Allen, as he has been making flop after flop. This one returns to his high notes of earlier classic films. Don't let the casting throw you - Owen Wilson does a fine job.


Anonymous said…
I've only seen Midnight in Paris on your list. In a rare excursion to the cinema Ann and I got to see Tinker Tailor Solider Spy this week. A really superb film I'd highly recommend. Happy Christmas.

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