Grace and Karma

In the book "The Prodigal God, Tim Keller writes that, "Elder brothers obey God to get things." As I reflected on that, I began to wonder how many of us operate out of the paradigm of karma instead of grace. Karma is a theory of divine equitable justice - you get what you deserve. Grace is a reality that God's love is so comprehensive that not only do we not get what we deserve - but in fact we get what we don't deserve.

Because of our natural inclination towards living for ourselves and fulfilling our needs over others, God is justified in removing us from His presence. Instead, through grace, God extends love, forgiveness and acceptance to anyone and everyone who even makes the smallest step towards Him. Grace is stronger than karma.

You might have been a Christian all your life, but might still believe that your good actions should result in God's blessings on you. This is a faulty paradigm and it sets you up for disappointment and cynicism when things do not go your way. Isaiah says that if we are trying to build up our own righteousness, then all our righteous acts are like filthy rags.

So, walk away from karma and into the arms of grace and praise God that he does not treat us as we deserve, but is the loving Father with arms open wide ready to receive all the prodigal daughters and sons.


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