Oscar Picks

Oscar Picks - I'll give it my best shot. We'll see how I do in March.

Supporting Actress - Mo'Nique in Precious. Unbelievable - there is one scene near the end that basically clinches the win for her.

Supporting Actor - Christoph Waltz - Inglorious Basterds. Only because he's won just about every other award for this role so far.

Actress - Tough one. I would have to say either Carey Mulligan in "An Education", who shot into prominence out of nowhere. Same for Gabourey Sidibe in Precious - unbelievable performance. But, Sandra Bullock has been getting a lot of attention for "Blind-Side". My pick would be Sidibe.

Actor - I haven't seen it, but I hear Jeff Bridges in "Crazy Heart" is excellent - so I would go with him.

Director - Kathryn Bigelow - Hurt Locker. James Cameron's ex wife just might beat him out - this was an amazing film.

Picture - With 10 nominees, this is tough. I think the best movies in this category are Avatar, Hurt Locker, Precious, Up in the Air, District 9 and my fave film of last year - Up. I think Avatar or Hurt Locker will win. I am leaning towards Avatar because it is just such a big film - but if Bigelow wins for directing, then they need to give her best picture too.


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