HARD day at work - got a million things done - felt good to be so productive. had several e-mails and phone calls of people wanting to refer their non-christian friends to first@night. that is encouraging, except that we will sort of slow down in the summer - have maybe a couple services a month and have more social events. had lunch with my good buddy greg laing. greg is a pastor at point grey community church. he is a fine fellow. always encouraging. went into starbucks to see if they would put up my da vinci code publi lecture poster -THEY SAID NO!!!! i was shocked - this is the starbucks across the street fromt he church - i go in there almost everyday. they have put up my psters for other events in the past INCLUDING a former da vinci code poster. oh well - i'm sure other starbucks will put the poster up - it looks pretty cool. one of the tag-lines for the film is "seek the truth" - i want to add in my brackets after - (keep looking) i think we will have a large turn...