
Showing posts from October, 2017

Still Evangelical

I still consider myself an evangelical Christian. I wrestled all year with identifying with this term as it has been co-opted and is used more to describe a political voting bloc, instead of a follower of Jesus Christ. But, then I realized every expression of Christianity has its challenges, its blind spots and will be syncretistic. So, I continue to hang on to the title, despite the cultural baggage it forces me to carry. Evangelical Christianity in America needs to realize it is syncretistic in terms on combining a civic national religion largely founded on myths, materialism and a feeling of cultural superiority. The amazing thing is that God continues to use and bless this form of Christianity. Indeed, for all its faults American Christianity has done a great amount of good globally. The funding of overseas mission efforts, schools, hospitals, etc. Does she have blind spots? Of course! But the challenge comes in if we choose to be refined and developed o...