
Showing posts from May, 2012

Don Draper and the Apostle Paul

I am a product of my environment. I was born in 1970 and am a member of that slacker generation x. My generation is now grown up, married off and started families. We cling to our youth by wearing sonic youth t-shirts, even when we are well into our 40's. My generation has been raised by the media. TV, movies, music - and then later on the internet contributed to our development. I  grew up in an Evangelical Christian home. We were very devout. We went to church TWICE on Sundays - AM and PM. For some reason, back then churches had an evening service. For some sad reason the pastor had to preach two different sermons. I grew up in Awana and Youth Group. For most of my childhood and adolescence I was told that the media was bad: rock music, tv shows and movies were bad. There were some exceptions, like Chariots of Fire and the odd Billy Graham movie. I was allowed to listen to Christian "rock" which sounded painfully lame when compared to what my pagan friends at school...