
Showing posts from September, 2011


My brood sight-seeing somewhere near Whistler. For the past month I have been a stay at home dad. I wake up early and get the kids breakfast, if they haven't already helped themselves. Then I take Adam to school. I come back and read my Bible, while James and Sophia hang out, playing or reading. (Unless it is a Tuesday or Thursday, then I drop Sophia at pre-school in the AM). Sophia is pretty independent and can play on her own. James will usually pull some of his books off a shelf and drop it on my lap, indicating he wants me to read to him - or sometimes, he'll snuggle up w. me and read on his own. Every so often, he'll grab onto the fridge door and yell, indicating he's hungry. So, I give him something to eat. After awhile, I go downstairs, catch up on e-mail and other messages. James follows and again will usually sit on my lap and also try to bang on the keys. At 11:00, James has a nap - then it is very quiet, and I can get some work done. I usually check out job d...

9/11 + 10

September 11 2001 was supposed to be a day of firsts for my wife and I. It was her first shift as a neuro-intensive care nurse at Vancouver General Hospital, and it was my first day as a divinity student at Regent College. We had just gotten married a couple of months ago and were wide-eyed at our new lives together. I dropped her at the hospital and drove down Broadway towards UBC. As I reached the campus I turned on the radio and this is what I heard: "Yep, a lot of people are turning around and heading home on the roads out there. This is a day you want to be at home near loved ones. If you are just joining us ... 2 planes have flown into the World Trade Center in New York City." I had passed through the "gates" of the campus, past Alma street and my whole body started to shake. I tried to focus on the road, and steer my car into an empty spot. I parked and ran into Regent. They were trying to figure out how to link up a tv, so we could watch history unfold. That...